老马 发表于 2013-5-14 07:55:26




Dear Group,

I will try to get the full article but this abstract from Dr. Hochhaus
and colleagues was just published in Blood. The doctors are doing a
theoretical model based approach to try and predict which patients can
benefit from cessation of therapy. I think this is very important right
now. The model is based on projections from 7 year data from
discontinuation trials.

The doctors say that within 15 years of therapy, 14% of patients are
predicted to have erradication of disease. 31% are expected to be in
deep CMR (5-log PCR machine) off meds after a fixed time of 2 year CMR
in the same machine on meds.

Then the doctors go on to give rules (in the full paper) on when and
which patient can benefit from treatment discontinuation. Since this is
a theoretical model, practical actual real-time data will have to
substantiate predictions.

It is very good news that doctors are looking into which patients may
be among the 14% of patients that can have an erradication of CML.

69% of patients are expected to relapse off therapy so for the
majority, it is very important to encourage research into new drugs that
can kill the CML stem cells.

Best Wishes,


老马 发表于 2013-5-14 07:58:32

MDACC has, for the first time, given their experience of TKI
discontinuation. The doctors at MDACC look at 26 patients who
discontinued therapy from 2003-2012 for various reasons. These reasons
include long time in CMR, adverse side-effects, pregnancy and financial
constraints. Please note that 17 patients discontinued therapy in CMR
and the rest in MMR. Of the patients in CMR who discontinued therapy,
47% had molecular relapse. Those in CMR who discontinued and had taken
prior Interferon to a TKI, 50% relapsed. Also note that of these 26
patients, most had been treated with high dose Gleevec.

"All patients discontinued therapy in CML-CP, all in CCyR, of them, 17
(65%) had undetectable transcripts, 2 (8%) had MR4.5, and 7 (27%) MMR.
The median duration of CMR before TKI cessation was 62 mos, (0- 118).
The median duration of total TKI therapy was 101 mos (3- 135)."

Therefore, the median time in CMR before discontinuation was about 5
years. The median follow-up is only 11 months. The median time for
molecular relapse of 8 patients who had been in CMR was 4 months and
they relapsed with median PCR value of 0.01 on the International Scale.

Of the 7 patients who discontinued when in MMR, 4 remained in MMR at a
median follow-up of 21 months, 1 remained in CCR, 1 in active disease
and 1 transformed to accelerated phase off drugs. Therefore, from this
data, scarce as it is, there is a risk of transformation to advanced
disease if one discontinues drugs in MMR.

2 patients were PCRU (4.5 log machine) and these patients relapsed
into MMR when drugs were discontinued.

Seven pts with relapse were treated again with TKI, 3 with nilotinib,
2 with dasatinib, and one each with imatinib and bosutinib (the latter
in AP). After a median of 13 months on therapy (range 4-52) all patients
improved their response, 5 with CMR and 2 MMR (including the pt that had
transformed to AP). They do not say why all patients were not retreated
with imatinib and had to take Nilotinib and Dasatinib. Also, note that
one did not regain CMR at the 13th month mark though it is good news
that 5 did. It may take some time to regain CMR for some who have gone
off drugs and relapsed. However, from our own list experiences, some
had regained CMR fast when they retook the TKI.

The doctors conclude that treatment discontinuation is experimental
and cannot be recommended at this stage as a standard procedure.

Best Wishes,


3783 Patient (Pt)-Driven Discontinuation of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor
Theray in Chronic Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) - Single
Institution Experience
Program: Oral and Poster Abstracts
Session: 632. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia - Therapy: Poster III

Monday, December 10, 2012, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM

Hall B1-B2, Level 1, Building B (Georgia World Congress Center)

Ohad Benjamini, MD1*, Hagop M. Kantarjian, MD1*, Mary Beth Rios, RN1,
Elias Jabbour, MD2*, Susan O'Brien, M.D.1, Preetesh Jain, MD, DM, PhD1*,
Stefan Faderl, MD1, Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD1*, Farhad Ravandi, MD1,
Gautam Borthakur, M.D.1, Alfonso Quint醩-Cardama, MD1* and Jorge E.
Cortes, MD1

1Department of Leukemia, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX
2Department of Leukemia, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX

Introduction: Some recent studies have reported on the outcome of CML
pts who discontinued thyrosin kinase inhibitors (TKI) after achieving
sustained undetectable bcr-abl transcript level. Most patients who stop
TKI have experienced molecular relapse. Most patients respond after
resuming TKIs regaining undetectable bcr-abl transcript levels. These
series have prospectively planned treatment discontinuation and included
only pts that have sustained complete molecular response (CMR) for at
least 2 yrs. However, in many instances pts may want to discontinue TKIs
not in CMR. Various reasons may lead patients to discontinue TKI
treatment unexpectedly, among them severe adverse effects, pregnancy or
economic constraints. This single institution experience reflects the
heterogeneous nature of pt-driven TKI discontinuation.

Aim: To characterize the outcome and profile of CML pts who chose to
discontinue TKI therapy in a single center regardless of their initial
response to TKI therapy.

Methods:We retrospectively analyzed MDACC data on all patients with CML
that were treated with TKIs in our institution and discontinued therapy.

Results: A total of 26 patients with CML-CP managed at MDACC
discontinued TKI between 2003 and 2012. The total median follow up time
since diagnosis was more than 120 months (mos) (range, 45 mos to 304
mos). The median age at diagnosis was 48 yrs (range, 28-73); 15 pts were
female. All pts had been diagnosed and treated in chronic phase.
Interferon was initial therapy in 11 pts (42%) and 15 pts received TKI
as initial therapy (4 received imatinib 400mg/day, 10 imatinib
600-800mg/day, and 1 bosutinib.) Of the 11 pts initially treated with
IFN, 7 then received imatinib 400mg and 4 imatinib 800mg upon IFN
failure. Pts treated frontline with TKI started therapy within a median
of 0.8 mos from diagnosis (range 0 to 4) and those with previous
interferon (n=11) after a median of 60 mos from diagnosis (31 to 164
mos). Before TKI discontinuation 21pts (81%) were receiving their first
TKI and 5 (19%) were receiving 2nd (4) or 3rd line (1) TKI. Complete
cytogenetic response (CCyR) had been achieved in all 26 pts at a median
of 3.5 mos (3-93); Major molecular response (MMR) in all at a median of
9 mos (3-73) and CMR in 17 (65%) at a median of 22 mos (9-120). All
patients discontinued therapy in CML-CP, all in CCyR, of them, 17 (65%)
had undetectable transcripts, 2 (8%) had MR4.5, and 7 (27%) MMR. The
median duration of CMR before TKI cessation was 62 mos, (0- 118). The
median duration of total TKI therapy was 101 mos (3- 135).

Fourteen pts (54%) discontinued TKI due to adverse events, 2 pts
discontinued to become pregnant, 5 decided to stop after long CMR, and 5
pts discontinued for financial reasons. After TKI discontinuation
patients were followed for a median of 11 mos (5-131). Among pts with
CMR at discontinuation, molecular relapse occurred in 8 (47%) pts at a
median of 4 mos (1-11) from discontinuation with median transcript level
at relapse of 0.07 (IS) (range, 0.004-2.17). Six pts with initial INF
therapy had CMR at time of TKI discontinuation, 50% of them relapsed.
Among 7 pts who discontinued therapy in MMR, after a median follow-up
from discontinuation of 21.6 months (range, 4.6-106), 4 remained at MMR,
one has minor CyR and one CCyR without retreatment at last follow up
after 78 and 105 months from TKI discontinuation, and one transformed to
accelerated phase (AP). The 2 pts with MR4.5at discontinuation relapsed
to MMR. Three pts had a transient molecular recurrence with spontaneous
re-gain of CMR. Seven pts with relapse were treated again with TKI, 3
with nilotinib, 2 with dasatinib, and one each with imatinib and
bosutinib (the later in AP). After a median of 13 months on therapy
(range 4-52) all patients improved their response, 5 with CMR and 2 MMR
(including the pt that had transformed to AP). There were no deaths or
transformations to blastic phase of CML. At last follow up 14 (54%) pts
were in CMR, 5 (19%) in MMR,5 (19%) in CCyR and 1 each in minor CyR and

Conclusion: Pt-driven TKI discontinuation in CML-CP leads to molecular
relapse in nearly half of the pts who discontinue therapy in CMR. Some
pts who discontinue in MMR may have sustained MMR. Treatment
discontinuation should be considered experimental and cannot be
recommended to pts as a standard approach.

Disclosures: Ravandi: BMS: Honoraria, Research Funding.

老马 发表于 2013-5-14 07:59:17





北欧研究:这一研究是Nordic(北欧) CML group发起的,5名只服用伊马替尼平均23个月的病人(4名取得完全分子学反应、1名取得主要分子学反应)停药。所有5名病人很快在4个月里失去了主要分子学反应。


来源:2009 ASCO and ASH 2008

ASH 2008

The initial phase of this study involved 15 patients who had sustained CMR for
greater than 2 years, and had previously been on interferon therapy first, then
on imatinib. 7 out of 15 pts relapsed within 6 months, but CMR was re-attained
in all cases after IM was re-started. The other 8 pts (4 male, 4 female) are
still in CMR, with a median follow up of 37 months (range 26?9 months) after IM

A larger study (The STIM study) was initiated with 50 patients from 18 centers
who had long-term CMR. 25 patients had imatinib only therapy and 25 patients
had interferon followed by imatinib therapy. 18 patients relapsed within the
first 6 months and 1 patient relapsed at the 8-month mark. Among the 19
relapsed patients, 11 were imatinib therapy only and 8 were interferon followed
by imatinib (relapse rates of 44% vs 32%, respectively)

The French study indicates that it is possible to sustain CMR after imatinib
discontinuation, particularly in patients with prior interferon therapy. More
long-term follow-up is needed to determine the stability of response, but the
results are certainly encouraging.

The French study results are very similar to the Australian study by Dr. Hughes
group, which Anjana has presented earlier and indicates an encouraging
reproducibility of response. Take care.

Australian Study

Dear Group,

In this study by the Nordic CML group, 5 patients (4 in CMR, 1 in MMR) only on
imatinib therapy for a median of 23 months discontinued therapy. All 5 patients
lost MMR rapidly within 4 months. The key differences between the Nordic study
and the Australian and the French studies (which observed much lower relapse
rates) was that the duration of CMR in the patients in the Australian and French
studies were considerably longer than those of the Nordic study, and this seemed
to correlate directly to how long CMR could be sustained off imatinib therapy.

老马 发表于 2013-5-14 07:59:50


老马 发表于 2013-5-14 08:00:15

   医生对上述两种患者都做了一些敏感的PCR检测。在5名服用格列卫融合基因转阴的病人中,全部都检测出独特的原始白血病克隆(original leukemic clone),这些克隆导致停药后复发。但是,好消息是,随着服药时间的延长,有4名患者体内消除了这种克隆。所以,即使服用格列卫取得了融合基因转阴,仍然需要时间继续服药来去除原始白血病克隆。
作者:来自英国Imperial College London血液科(Hammersmith医院)
来源:Blood. 2010.5.12

老马 发表于 2013-5-14 08:00:50


来源:Lancet Oncol. 2010.10.19

老马 发表于 2013-5-14 08:01:21

    医生们接着推断,服用格列卫并同时维持PCRU的时间越长,然后再停药,结果可能不同,这样会有更多的患者能够在停药后仍将疾病维持在较低水平。事实上,法国的研究数据确实显示,那些停药后没有复发的患者服用格列卫的时间更长。医生们推测,也许维持PCRU 4-5年然后停药,也许更多患者可以停药后无疾病反复。
    (Asian CML Support Group论坛主注:有位病友是来自美国加州的Paul,他在取得PCRU 5年后停药,但疾病复发了。请注意,上述讨论只是这篇文章中医生的意见。其他一些医生则认为只要cml干细胞存在就会引发疾病,因此正在努力研究针对cml干细胞的药物。)

来源:Lancet OncologyVolume 12, Issue 2, Page 118, 2011.2


老马 发表于 2013-5-14 08:02:01

    如何解释复发多发生在停药后7个月内,而7个月以后复发率大为下降呢? Deininger医生提出了一个“门槛”理论,即疾病细胞得达到一个门槛水平才能引起疾病复发,如果cml细胞被压制在这个水平线之下,那么疾病可能不会复发,某些免疫机制就可以控制住这些细胞,或者疾病细胞偶然情况下就消失了。
作者:Michael Deininger医生,来自美国犹他大学Huntsman Cancer Institute
来源:Nature Reviews In Clinical Oncology 2011.2.

老马 发表于 2013-5-14 08:03:01

摘要:目前,大多数停药研究都是针对服用伊玛替尼取得CMR(融合基因转阴)一段时间的cml患者。EHA 2011的这个研究中,伊玛替尼不耐受的患者后来换做二代激酶抑制剂(尼罗替尼或达沙替尼),取得CMR有一段时间,然后停药。研究目的是看他们的试验结果与只服伊玛替尼的患者有何不同。


老马 发表于 2013-5-14 08:03:39


来源:EHA 2011论文摘要
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